On our platform, ELP levels 1-3 indicate content appropriate for newcomers and emergent multilingual learners. This article will show you how to find ELP levels 1-3 content on Listenwise and Lingolift.
Listenwise Only
On the Listenwise only platform, you’ll see either an ELP 1-3 or ELP 4-6 label on every Listenwise lesson. ELP 1-3 indicates content appropriate for for beginner to low intermediate multilingual learners, and ELP 4-6 is content for intermediate to advanced multilingual learners and gen ed classrooms.
On the Search page, lessons display the ELP level, and you can filter ELP band:
You can also browse all Listenwise lessons for ELP Levels 1-3 from the menu: Click Lessons, then All Lessons, and then Lessons for ELP Levels 1-3.
For more information on ELP 1-3 content on Listenwise, see this article.
Listenwise + Lingolift
On the combined Listenwise + Lingolift platform, lessons are designated in either ELP 1-3 or ELP 4-6 bands. ELP 1-3 indicates content appropriate for newcomers and emergent multilingual learners, and ELP 4-6 is content for intermediate to advanced multilingual learners and gen ed classrooms.
When browsing the Collections and Lessons pages, you’ll see the option to filter by ELP 1-3 and ELP 4-6 to help you find the right lesson for your students for both Listenwise and Lingolift.
You can also browse all Listenwise and Lingolift lessons for ELP Levels 1-3 from the menu: Click Lessons, then ELP Levels, and then ELP 1-3.
Additionally, on the search page, you can filter by the general ELP bands for all content or opt to filter for Lingolift lessons for specific ELP levels: ELP 1, 2, 3, and 4.
While Listenwise lessons only have ELP bands, Lingolift video lessons have specific ELP levels 1-4 to provide more precise levels for your newcomers and emergent multilingual learners. For more on ELP levels on Lingolift, see this article.
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