There are many ways to integrate Lingolift and Listenwise into your instruction. This article will provide a few examples that can be adapted, depending on your classroom configuration.
Gen Ed Classroom
Here is an example for a gen ed classroom educator teaching a unit on space with a mix of students at different English language proficiency levels. You can assign different Lingolift and Listenwise lessons for each group with the language supports students need at each stage:
Newcomers and beginners: Assign them the Lingolift Space collection. The interactive video lessons will help build foundational language skills. If there’s time, use the Teacher’s Guide to lead additional small group instruction while other students are working independently.
Advanced beginners and intermediate MLs: Assign the ELD version of the Listenwise lesson Phases of the Moon. Our ELD lessons are focused on teaching content and language together and include background building videos, translation tools, and heavy scaffolding. If there’s time, use the Teacher’s Guide to lead additional small group instruction while other students are working independently.
Advanced MLs and gen ed students: Assign the gen ed version of the Phases of the Moon lesson. You can still share the transcript and other supports for students who need it, or you can opt to challenge students and remove all of the supports.
ELD/ESL Classroom
If you’re in an ELD/ESL classroom that includes students at different levels of English language proficiency, here’s how you could use Lingolift and Listenwise to teach about the human body:
Newcomers: Focus first on survival language with the Lingolift Body collection that helps students talk about the body in everyday contexts.
Advanced beginners: Share the Lingolift Anatomy collection, which includes more academic content and language. This collection could also be used with newcomers after they completed the prior collection, provided instruction was supported by teacher-led activities such as those in the Teacher’s Guides.
Intermediate MLs: Assign the ELD version of the Listenwise lesson Blood: The Superhighway of the Body, which has supporting background-building videos and a focus on teaching language and content together.
Advanced MLs: Assign the gen ed version of the Listenwise lesson Blood: The Superhighway of the Body, providing the listening supports that students need.
You can facilitate this lesson as a station rotation, which provides you time with each group to provide personalized support at their level.
ELD/ESL Classroom
Here is another example for an ELD/ESL classroom with students at different levels of English language proficiency, using Lingolift and Listenwise to teach students about food and culture. These resources could also be used in a gen ed classroom with multilingual learners at different ELP levels by assigning different lessons to students at different levels.
As in the above examples, the Teacher’s Guides can be used for small group instruction while other students are working independently.
Newcomers: Use the Lingolift Food collection to help newcomers build survival language and learn to talk about different types of foods.
Advanced beginners: More advanced beginners can be assigned the Lingolift Cooking collection, which focuses on conversational language that builds on basic food vocabulary.
Low intermediates: Assign these students the Lingolift Culture (Food) collection to work on more advanced language and connect to curriculum topics.
Beginner/Intermediate: Share the ELD version of Appreciating Differences in "A Place at the Table" in Listenwise with all of the extra supports.
Int/Advanced: Assign the gen ed version of the Listenwise lesson Appreciating Differences in "A Place at the Table", providing the listening supports and scaffolded instruction as needed.
Advanced: Assign the gen ed Listenwise lesson, Eddie Huang: Cultural Identity and Food, customizing the supports and resources as needed.
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