Watch this video to learn how to use the tools on Lingolift video lessons or see below for instructions.
Video Player
The video player has helpful buttons while you're watching the video:
: Slow down the speed of the video
: Rewatch a part of the video
: Turn on/off the English captions
1. When you watch the video, you can click on a word for a definition.
2. Click the speaker button to hear the word. Click on the small boxes below the word to hear the pronunciation.
Texthelp Toolbar for Students
The blue Texthelp toolbar has more dictionary and speaking supports:
1. Highlight words and click the Play button to hear them in English:
#2. Click on one word and the Book button for a definition in English:
#3. Click on one word and the Picture button for a picture of the word:
#4. Highlight one word or a sentence and click the Globe button. Click the
Play button on the translation to hear it in your native language:
#5. Click on the Settings button to change the translation to your native language. For more help, this article shows you how to change the language on your Texthelp toolbar.
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