Bring history alive to assist your students in making connections with what they’re learning and the world around them. Here are ways to support your Social Studies curriculum with Listenwise:
Self-Directed Learning
California educator, Scott Petri, incorporates Listenwise into a self-directed unit about the Cold War that culminates in an argumentative essay. The unit combines multiple EdTech tools and resources formatted in a choice board. Explore his choice board document here.
Infusing Technology into Social Studies Classrooms
Presented by Ben Sondgeroth from EdTechTeacher, this 30-minute webinar highlights educational resources. Ben has a passion for bringing creative technology integration into the social studies classroom.
Current Events Discussions
Nebraska Social Studies teacher Brett Benson is a proponent of making current events a core aspect of his social studies curriculum. He leads a daily “what’s happening in the world today” whole class listening activity about the latest Listenwise Current Event story. His class also enjoys discussing Debate story topics while practicing civil discourse and evidence-based arguments.
Listen to an audio clip of his story here.
Building Background
Connecticut educator Laura Krenicki shares how she builds background knowledge with her students using Listenwise podcasts, specifically for The Black Panther Movie Podcast Lesson:
For more ideas, check out these posts on our blog:
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