Supplement your curriculum while working on listening and writing skills! Find out how Science teachers are incorporating Listenwise into the classroom:
Meet NGSS Standards
Supplement curriculum and meet Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) guidelines with standards-aligned science lessons! You can search lessons by topic or browse by standards. We recommend listening to weekly, science-related Listenwise stories and discussing them as a class. You may also have students complete a Listenwise assignment or supplemental writing activity.
A high school Science teacher from California says: “Listenwise Weird News and science stories have increased engagement and joy in my Science class while checking my teacher boxes!”
Making Connections
High school Life Sciences teacher and Listenwise Advocate, Bonnie Nieves, is committed to helping students make meaningful connections to science concepts through authentic experiences:
Listen to an audio clip of her story here.
An Ohio middle school science teacher says: “Listenwise has been used as a connection tool. Connecting our content with daily life and reinforcing context from class instruction.”
Engagement in Blended Classroom
North Carolina educator, Sebastian Byers, teaches science in an online program and assigns Listenwise activities into his online modules. Hear more about how Sebastian uses Listenwise in this blog post.
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