Activity: Build a Listenwise assignment aligned with your current unit of study into your weekly plans for independent student work. You can find audio stories that reinforce or extend your curricular goals while also helping students practice their listening skills.
- Create a Listenwise written assignment for a story that aligns with your unit of study.
Tip: You can create differentiated versions for groups of students. See this article for further instruction. You can also schedule assignments to be released to students before class on a later date! - Have students complete written assignments independently on the Listenwise platform.
Learning Objectives: listening & writing practice, formative assessment, meeting curriculum standards
Content Suggestions: Use the Search page to find the right story or find a lesson that’s aligned to your state standards.
Learning Mode: Asynchronous
Total Time: 20-30 minutes
Learn More: While quizzes are auto-scored, you will need to review individual student work for written assignments. Learn how to provide feedback and allow students to revise their written assignments.
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