You can invite students to choose a story that interests them and complete an assignment using a listening organizer and/or a standard routine, such as writing a learning reflection, or (taking turns) sharing a summary orally and holding a Q&A for five minutes at the beginning of class.
Students can use listening organizers such as those below with any audio story to help them focus while listening. You can save and customize these organizers as you wish and then share them with students, either in digital form or as printed PDFs, depending on your classroom context and instructional needs.
Details and Big Ideas (DBI) Organizer – To note important details and big ideas as students listen to an audio story (starting with details and noting big ideas or themes as they emerge)
Ideas and Supporting Details (ISD) Organizer – To note key ideas and supporting details as students listen to an audio story (starting with key ideas or claims and detailing support for those ideas)
Fact-Question-Response (FQR) Organizer – To note facts from the story, questions about the story, and responses to the story while listening to an audio story
5 Ws Organizer – To support summarizing an audio story by noting the 5Ws of journalism: who, what, where, when, and why (and sometimes how)
3-2-1 Organizer – To note as students listen to an audio story 3 facts from the story, 2 questions about the story, and 1 big idea from the story
Venn Diagram Organizer – To compare important details and big ideas from two different but related audio stories
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