Creating a Listenwise written assignment is a great option to customize the resources for your students’ needs! This article will walk you through how to assign your first written assignment.
1. On a lesson page, click Create Assignment.
2. Basic Details: First, give your assignment a name. You can customize if students see the interactive transcript, Texthelp toolbar (see this article for more info), and vocabulary list. We recommended sharing all of the resources on your first assignment.
3. Listening Organizer: Add an organizer to the assignment from the drop-down menu. We recommend you include an organizer in your first assignment, but you can keep it blank if you don't want an organizer.
4. Questions: The listening comprehension questions are listed here. You can add, remove or edit the questions depending on your instructional goals and student needs.
5. Materials: These are optional resources. Include external links and other resources for students to explore while they complete their assignment. You can review these resources under the Assignment Resources tab of a lesson.
6. Instructions: Finally, you have the option to provide instructions for students to do the assignment. Click Save to finalize your assignment.
7. Assigning to Classes: You can assign it to multiple classes at once, so check the box next to each class that should get it. You are required to choose a due date for each class. You have the option to assign a time due, as well. Click Assign to share it with students!
The remaining boxes are optional:
- Share to Google Classroom: If you imported your Google Classroom rosters, you have the ability to post the assignment directly to students in Google Classroom.
- Date Available: Schedule your assignment to release on a later date, with the option to add a specific time, as well.
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