The video player within Lingolift video lessons provides many built-in supports to make the content more accessible for your students. This article walks through tools in more detail, which are all available for the Watch, Learn, Speak steps of the lesson.
Video Player Features
On the left-hand side of the audio player options, students can slow down the speed, pause, or repeat a section. They can also turn on/off the video English captions via the CC button on the right-hand side.
Vocabulary Supports
During the Learn step of the lesson, students can click on any word in the video’s captions and see a definition. By pressing the speaker icon, they can also have the word read aloud and hear the phonemic segmentation of the word below.
When students click on a word, it’s added to their customized vocabulary list, and they will continue to practice those words during the Learn and Speak steps of the lesson. If students click on no words during the Watch step, they’ll practice the default featured words. Read this article for a more in-depth review of how the customized vocabulary list works.
Texthelp Toolbar
The blue Texthelp toolbar provides additional dictionary and read aloud supports for students. They can highlight text and have it read aloud or translated into 15+ languages. They can also highlight one word for a dictionary definition, translation, or a picture dictionary.
Note that not every piece of text within the video lesson can be highlighted. The Texhelp toolbar will be most helpful on the video’s embedded dictionary tool. They can use it as another layer of support to get another definition of the word, a picture dictionary, and translate it into their native language.
Native Language Resources
There are two options to support students with native language translations:
Display Language: From their dashboards, students can choose to change their display language from English to Spanish. This will change the language on their menus, buttons and other important text on their dashboard.
Texthelp Toolbar on Video Lessons: With the Texthelp toolbar, students can use the translation feature to translate single words or more into 15+ languages. Learn more about these supports in this article.
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