There are many supports built into Lingolift to help boost students’ language acquisition, which can be used as needed. This approach empowers students to take charge of their learning and supports the practice of gradual release of responsibility, in which students become increasingly independent in their learning. This article walks through the key features of Lingolift and offers some recommendations for your routines:
Dictionary Supports
During the Watch part of a Lingolift video lesson, students can click on any word in the captions and see a definition:
By pressing the speaker icon, they can hear the word read aloud. They can hear the individual phonemes by clicking the smaller boxes below the word.
The blue Texthelp toolbar provides an additional layer of language support for students. They can highlight text and have it read aloud or translated into 16 languages. They can also highlight one word and see an English dictionary definition, translation, or picture dictionary.
Default Words vs. Customized Vocabulary List
When students click on words during Watch, the words are added to their customized vocabulary list and students will practice these words during the Learn and Speak steps. If students don’t click on any words during Watch, they will practice the default vocabulary words (underlined in the captions during Watch) for the rest of the video lesson.
To ensure all students are learning at least the default vocabulary words, we recommend they add those words to their customized vocabulary list before moving onto Learn, which they will need to do if they clicked on any words during their first viewing.
To add the words to their customized list, students will go to the All words tab and click on all of the underlined words.
This will bring up the definition box and they will click Continue to add the words to their customized vocabulary list.
When they’ve added all of the underlined words, they can click the Learn words button to move on. They will now practice both the words they clicked on during their first video viewing, as well as the default vocabulary words, during the Learn and Speak parts of the interactive video lesson. They can add additional words to practice at this stage, as well.
This video shows the process of adding the default featured words to a customized vocabulary list:
You can review the vocabulary students learned during their video lessons and track overall student progress from the Reports widget on your dashboard. This article details how to find each report on Lingolift and this article dives into the Watch, Learn, Speak reporting.
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