When looking for Lingolift video lessons on the search page, there are a few filters and icons to be aware of in order to find the best lessons for your students. Click on the filter you want to use to expand the box to see the filtering options.
General Filters:
- These filters are for both Listenwise and Lingolift lesson libraries
- ELP Band - All lessons are categorized as either “ELP 1-3” (newcomer/emerging to intermediate/expanding) or “ELP 4-6” (intermediate/expanding to advanced/bridging).
Lingolift Filters:
- These filters apply to Lingolift video lessons only
- ELP Level - Refine your results further by filtering by ELP 1, 2, 3, and 4 leveled videos
- Category - Lingolift videos fall under either Social, Grammar, or Academic. Learn more about the categories here.
In the search results, you’ll see a few icons on the video lesson: the ELP level of the video lesson along with the Interactive Video icon. This means that the lessons include the Watch, Learn, Speak instructional sequence.
Lastly, if you only want to look at lessons without Listenwise lessons in your search results, click over to the Lingolift only library:
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