This article will walk you through how to explore and find the right content for your students in the combined Listenwise and Lingolift experience. There are four main places where you can explore both product’s content:
When you log into your account, your dashboard will include Listenwise and Lingolift:
- My Lesson Feed: Browse the latest lessons on the platform and filter for a specific product or category
- Tasks, My Classes, and Reports Widgets: See assignment, classes and reporting data for both Listenwise and Lingolift on your dashboard widgets for easy access.
- Menu Bar: Browse Listenwise and Lingolift content via the options on the menu bar like Lessons and Favorites.
Browse Lessons
You can browse the entire lesson library on the All Lessons page and see Listenwise and Lingolift content. Explore the combined library or filter to only see a specific Listenwise content area or Lingolift category via the side bar menu on the left.
As with the All Lessons page, the Collections page lets you explore the curated collections available on both Listenwise and Lingolift. Explore collections by ELP level, grade level, or specific product categories (i.e. Listenwise Social Studies Collections and Lingolift Grammar Collections).
On the search page, you’ll see both Listenwise and Lingolift lessons in your search results. Opt to use the general filter (ELP Band and Grade Level) to see both products’ content or use specific Listenwise or Lingolift filters.
To see content only for a specific product, click on the product name at the top to only search that product’s library:
Lastly, on the Classes page, you can review assignments for your Listenwise and Lingolift classes, as well as manage your classes and roster on this tab. If you want to use both products with the same class, you will need to create classes under each product.
Note that when you go to Listenwise content (i.e. specific lessons, assignments, quiz reports, etc.), you will see a Listenwise-only experience. When you see the blue menu bar, you are in the Listenwise product:
To get back to the combined Listenwise and Lingolift experience, click the logo in the top left-hand corner. When you see the white menu bar, you’re in the combined, Lingolift focused product:
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