Intended as an onramp to Listenwise, Lingolift’s interactive video lessons help newcomers learn survival, social, and academic language as quickly as possible. Lingolift supports students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) in developing the basic vocabulary and language skills they need to succeed in any instructional setting.
Listenwise’s podcast lessons build content and language together and are best suited for intermediate to advanced multilingual learners and gen ed classrooms. Listenwise helps students develop academic language and literacy skills through our curriculum-aligned podcast lessons.
By pairing Lingolift and Listenwise together, you have access to one platform that follows student growth — from their first 90 days in the classroom and beyond. Find connections between Lingolift lessons and Listenwise lessons, using our ELD Lesson Library, gen ed lessons, and current events to support students at each stage of English language proficiency. Both products follow the same instructional framework in the Teacher’s Guides, offering effective teaching practices and strategies to support your multilingual learners in any context. Learn more about navigating the combined Listenwise and Lingolift experience here.
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