Think a student’s submission could use some more attention and detail? Or maybe a student submitted incomplete work and you want to allow them to finish their assignment.
You can easily return their assignment with your feedback requesting revisions! Check the Student needs to revise box at the bottom of the student’s assignment submission page. It will return the work to the student’s dashboard with your feedback, and they can make the necessary revision and resubmit to you.
Here’s a breakdown of how to allow a student to revise a written assignment:
1. Click the assignment from the Tasks section of your dashboard or click View Assignments under My Classes and then click See Responses for the specific assignment.
2. On this submission status page, click on the student’s name to see their submission.
3. At the bottom of the page, add your feedback and check the Student needs to revise box. Click Submit Feedback (or Submit Feedback and Next if you have additional student work to review for this assignment).
4. Your submission dashboard will be updated to reflect the student’s returned work.
Here is what your student will see:
1. The assignment will go back into the Not Started section of their dashboard and be marked as “Returned.”
2. When they open the assignment, they will see your comments and be able to work on their assignment again. They will click Submit when they are ready to resubmit.
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