When importing a roster from Google Classroom, student accounts are automatically created and enrolled in your Listenwise class, so they do not need a Class Code.
To get students started with Listenwise, follow these steps:
- Direct them to app.listenwise.com/students
- Have them click the blue Login with Google button
- They'll link their accounts and be sent directly to their dashboard. No Class Code is needed!
If students are asked for a Class Code when logging into Listenwise, here are a few things to troubleshoot. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please reach out to our Support team via this form.
#1 - Confirm that students are not missing from your roster.
1. Go to the Manage Classes tab on the Classes page.
2. Click on the class name to reveal your roster and review the list.
3. If a student is missing, click update from Google Classroom roster to import any new students.
4. Have students try logging into Listenwise again once they’re imported into Listenwise.
#2 - If no students are missing from your Listenwise roster, confirm the below items with students having difficulties logging in:
1. Make sure they go to app.listenwise.com/students and click the Login with Google button. They may accidentally be attempting to log into a teacher account, resulting in a prompt for a code or being unable to log in.
2. Check that students are using the emails you imported from Google Classroom. Sometimes districts have two versions of student emails andGoogle Classroom shared email addresses, which may be different than what students use to log in. If the emails don't match up, Listenwise won't recognize them and ask for a Class Code.
- To confirm which email was imported into Listenwise:
- Go into the class roster from the Manage Classes tab on the Classes page.
- Click reset password for a student to see the email address.
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