Once you import your Google Classroom rosters into Listenwise, student accounts are automatically created and enrolled in your classes. Here are resources to help you and your students get started:
Overview Video
This video provides a 4-minute overview of the Google Classroom experience for teachers and students. It’s a great way to find out how you’ll be using Listenwise and Google Classroom together.
Student Quick Start Guide
Share this Getting Started with Listenwise and Google Classroom guide with students, which includes step-by-step instructions to login and navigate their student dashboard. This guide also includes a 4-minute student introduction video tutorial.
Student Login
Simply send students to app.listenwise.com/students and have them click the Login with Google button. After signing in, they’ll be directed to their student dashboards.
You can also easily post assignments directly to Google Classroom. Instructions can be found in this article. A majority of teachers choose this option, so students will often access Listenwise assignments from Google Classroom. If you choose this route, students still go to app.listenwise.com/students and click the Login with Google button to find their assignments.
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